Monday, January 07, 2008

Spinning into Control

It's 2008, and I'm waiting eagerly for registration to begin for the 2008 LIVESTRONG Challenge series, the Lance Armstrong Foundation's signature events to raise funds and awareness for the fight against cancer and to inspire and empower people affected by cancer in the process.

I've also hooked up with a local group called Annie's Angels and started taking spinning classes at Synergy in Exeter, New Hampshire. It looks as though I'm going to try to add the Pan Mass Challenge to my repertoire this year!

More news at it develops...

Monday, February 05, 2007

2007 LIVESTRONG Challenge Philadelphia

Even though here in New Hampshire, it's a cold day in February, I'm already working toward a long summer day's bike ride -- to support a great cause. I registered for the 2007 LIVESTRONG Challenge Philadelphia, benefiting the Lance Armstrong Foundation. I'll ride my bicycle 100 miles around the City of Brotherly Love on August 26 with a team representing Cyclists Combating Cancer.

Today, there are more than 10 million people living with cancer in the United States. Close to 1.4 million more will be diagnosed and more than 560,000 will die from cancer this year alone. The global toll is far greater. Although progress has been made, we must do more.

This is my fifth year with the LIVESTRONG movement, working to make cancer a national priority, save lives by applying what we already know, find new cures, and inspire and empower cancer survivors.

I'm aiming high this year, looking to raise at least $20,000 toward the cause.

Please consider sponsoring my ride. Click here to make a secure, instant online donation. Your sponsorship gift in any amount adds another needed voice.

Thank you for your support, and please help spread the word. Together, we can make a difference.

Live strong,

Sunday, May 28, 2006


I had such a fantastic time on LIVESTRONG Day, May 17, 2006, in Washington, D.C. I don't know why it has taken me so long to post anything about it here!

I celebrated my 42nd birthday over dinner with Cyclists Combating Cancer Monday night. On Tuesday, 100 advocates, two from each state, received a full day of training, followed by a Congressional reception at which I was able to shake Lance Armstrong's hand: a real honor. LAF's CEO and President Mitch Stoller, Lance Armstrong, Senator John Kerry, and Representative Clay Shaw each spoke.

On Wednesday, Vanessa Underwood and I met with staff in Senator Judd Gregg's and Senator John Sununu's offices, and I met with Representative Jeb Bradley. We asked for adequate funding for cancer programs in next year's budgets for the National Institute of Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and for support of newly (re)introduced Cancer Survivorship and Quality of Life legislation that expands the scope of those cancer programs to include long-term issues facing cancer survivors. Cancer used to be a death sentence more often than not, but that's thankfully getting better. We need to keep making the progress that we know is possible.

See this article for more information.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


I'm very excited to report that I will be attending the Lance Armstrong Foundation's LIVESTRONG Day event in Washington, D.C. from May 15-17, 2006! Two representatives from each state will receive a day of advocacy training on how to make an impact on Capitol Hill and in our own communities, and then meet with our elected officials and/or their staffs. This will be a great opportunity to raise the visibility of cancer survivorship issues, and I look forward to meeting old and new friends there.

May 15 also happens to be my 42nd birthday. As you'll recall from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "42" is the ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything. Coincidence? I don't think so. :-)

Saturday, March 04, 2006


The LIVESTRONG Ride Series has been relaunched this month as the LIVESTRONG Challenge, expanding to include people who choose to walk or run in addition to those who cycle. I'm still on for the 100-mile Ride!

If cancer has touched your life, please consider a sponsorship donation.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

LIVESTRONG Ride Philadelphia

2006 marks my fourth year working to support the Lance Armstrong Foundation's mission to inspire and empower cancer survivors. I'll pedal my road bicycle 100 miles on September 10, 2006, in Philadelphia with a team representing Cyclists Combating Cancer. If I reach my fundraising goal, I will also ride for a third year in Austin, Texas, on October 15!

Net proceeds from this event fund education, advocacy, public health and research programs that help cancer survivors to live strong.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Complete the Exercise

We awoke yesterday to find the outside temperature was a balmy 50°. Although I had to go to work, and by the time I left to come home, it was cool and dark, Judy was able to take a bike ride -- wearing my long-sleeve jersey. Today is a bit cooler again, though I could probably get away with a ride. I've been wishy washy about it so far today, but at least I ran a mile. OK, big deal, what's a mile? Well, I've never been much of a runner, so I'm thinking that's a good next challenge.